Lecture Description
Agricultural meteorology is the study and use of weather and climate information to enhance or expand agricultural crops or to increase crop production. It is a crucial tool when mitigating the impacts of climate change, however many in the coffee industry remain unaware of its importance.
In this session, I will analyze current coffee production trends against the accelerated warming and shifting rainfall patterns we've observed in the global climate.
In this discussion, I will explore the following topics:
1) An agri-meteorological overview of the primary drivers of climate warming and the rate at which it's occurring.
2) How I see the next 5-10 years of weather shaping up and what deviations from 'normal conditions' may become a feature of global weather in the future.
3) A deep dive on coffee production and what specific trends in 2023-2024 tell us about 'danger thresholds for coffee production. How often are we at risk of breaking these thresholds in the future?
4) Steps that can be taken at the farm level to offset some of the weather impact in this new climate regime.
5) Geographic areas that may become more/less suitable in time.
Date: April 25, 2025
Time: 9:00am - 10:00am
Location: Room 362ABC
Category: Science
Access: This lecture is free to attend with a Specialty Coffee Expo entry badge. Register to attend Specialty Coffee Expo here.
Please note that lecture sessions are open on a first-come, first-served basis. Early arrival is highly recommended to secure your seat.