Press Badge Policy
Press credentials will not be mailed in advance. They will be available in registration in the Grand Concourse.
You may be asked to provide a business card, article clips or other documentation to verify media credentials.
Only two press representatives per media outlet will be allowed to receive a Press Badge, unless otherwise approved.
Some ticketed events may require special paid registration.
You will be included on a media list distributed to exhibitors so that they may contact you about their company news.
All advertising and marketing agency representatives are required to obtain paid tickets to the Specialty Coffee Expo. Register through the Attendee portal.
Freelance journalists, photographers, and videographers are required to provide proof of by-lined publications and/or credited work published or broadcasted within the last 12 months.
All press attending the Specialty Coffee Expo will be responsible for arranging their own transportation to Houston, Texas, and are responsible for all expenses related to travel, lodging and other expenses.
SCA and its media relations representative reserve the right to deny press credentials to individuals who abuse the privilege or obtain credentials under false pretenses. In the event an individual is granted credentials and fails to report on the 2025 Specialty Coffee Expo, they might be denied media registration at subsequent SCA events.
Press will have access to the show floor during attendee hours:
Friday, April 25: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Saturday, April 26: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Sunday, April 27: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Press who have requested to cover the World Coffee Championships and have been approved will have early access to the show floor. Please visit the press room onsite to receive early access stamp.