Lecture Description
Following up on a 2023 webinar series entitled “Promoting Wealth for Women in Coffee,” this panel will address the powerful, proven concept of microfinance and microcredit and how it could be leveraged more in coffee. The panelists will define what microfinance is, present on microfinance programs across several projects and countries, and avoid the pitfall of presenting microcredit (broadly) as a 'New Idea,’ as this is a long running effort that has intersected with many other industries. The panelists will emphasize and investigate the clear and proven impacts, as well as the often overlooked side effects. One of the programs that will be presented is the “Learning Loan Microfinance” program, which acknowledged that economic, civil or natural disaster shocks will always be risk variables to longterm sustainability, but when vulnerable women learn skills, like financial and business literacy skills, those are sustainable, and they will have a stronger platform from which to recover from a shock. Women may not “lift themselves out of poverty” because of one loan, but they will have everlasting skills. The financial education and experience that women gain from a microfinance program is a valuable piece that is often overlooked in impact studies.
Date: April 25, 2025
Time: 10:15am - 11:15am
Location: Room 360ABC
Category: Sustainability
Access: This lecture is free to attend with a Specialty Coffee Expo entry badge. Register to attend Specialty Coffee Expo here.
Please note that lecture sessions are open on a first-come, first-served basis. Early arrival is highly recommended to secure your seat.
Amaris Gutierrez-Ray
Founder, Women in Coffee Project
Roberta Lauretti-Bernhard
Ruth Ann Church
Others TBA